My Motion Graphic, Pixel Art and Animation Reel.Including projects done for European Space Agency, Findus and Prime Video. Check out all my Works here or at...
Giambattista Moroni e il Mistero del Ritratto Perfetto (Giambattista Moroni and the Mystery of the Perfect Portrait) is a captivating short novel that delves into art, unexpected encounters, and the celebration of individuality. The story, words, illustrations, and...
In early 2024, I was contacted by Taco Studios to create a short teaser trailer for their mobile game Monster Rooms. The Teaser was created with the Ach! Animation team but the collaboration then continued “solo” with the creation of 50 character...
New collab with Art Director Sebastiano Barcaroli and the European Space Agency: I animated this illustration by Marianna Tomaselli for the new ESA Kourou collection! It’s always great to deal with amazing illustrations and space...
Animated Instagram Stories for the European Space Agency and their campaign for recruiting new Astronauts.Based on the illustrations by Ale Giorgini with the creative direction of Sebastiano...
I’m Edo, Motion Designer and Animator based in Mantova, Italy. I love to work with different styles, although my heart beats louder for Pixel Art and retro-flavored stuff. I’m working as a Freelancer on diverse projects for international clients.
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